10th planet jiu jitsu prices

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10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Memberships

Adult Membership - 6 Month Contract Month With A Card On File$100.00
Adult Membership - No Contract Month No Card Required$150.00
Kids Membership - No Contract Month (Also Applies To Young Teens In The Adult Class)$80.00
Drop In Fee Day$20.00

6 Months Paid Up Front$500.00
1 Year Paid Up Front$1000.00

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for estimation purposes only. This data has been collected from diverse sources, including online, on-site, and via phone. All the prices and information available on this website are averages and should be considered as rough estimates. To verify the most up-to-date information, please consult the official website.

What to Expect When Joining a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gym

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a fast-growing martial art known for its practical self-defense applications and dynamic submission grappling techniques. Joining a BJJ gym gives you access to world-class coaching to master this addictive art, spaces to spar and roll at full intensity, and membership in a tight-knit community.

This comprehensive guide outlines everything you need to know about typical gym membership options, costs, gear requirements, ranking systems, and training expectations when embarking on your BJJ journey.

Membership Tiers

Most gyms offer various membership tiers based on desired training frequency and commitment level:

Unlimited Memberships

The unlimited tier offers the best overall value, especially if training 2+ times per week. Attend an unlimited number of regularly scheduled classes for one monthly fee averaging $150 at most gyms ($125-$185 price range). This works perfectly for dedicated students able to train consistently. Casual visits are still okay during busy weeks.

Unlimited members can also access open gym hours to drill techniques, use weight rooms, hit heavy bags, etc during off-hours with no coaches present. The membership fee sometimes covers gym amenities too.

Set Class Packages

If unable to consistently attend, some gyms offer class packages ranging from 4-12 sessions per month. Training just once a week, a 6-class pack keeps costs affordable at around $100 monthly. Packages incentivize attendance since sessions expire after 3-6 months if unused. Casual visits outside the pack cost full drop-in rates.

Pay-Per-Class Drop-In

Drop-in rates for a single session average $25 but can reach $40 at premium gyms in major cities and tourist areas aiming to attract visitors. While the highest per-class cost long-term, drop-ins best suit inconsistent schedules. Most gyms require short-term members to sign waivers before taking a class.

Private Lessons

All BJJ gyms offer private sessions with experienced coaches or black belt instructors. One-on-one focused training accelerates skill progression drastically. Private lesson pricing ranges from $70-$150 per hour depending on the rank and competition record of the instructor.

Kids & Teens BJJ Programs

In addition to adult training, many gyms offer kids grappling & jiu-jitsu classes starting from ages 5 and up. Parents love how the training instills focus, discipline, respect, and physical fitness in kids.

Standard kids program components include:

  • Annual membership registration fee
  • Term tuition for 1-2 classes per week
  • Age-adapted curriculum to safely teach techniques
  • Goal-setting and rank advancement incentives to motivate skill progression

A kids BJJ membership keeps young students engaged in positive afterschool activities developing grit and perseverance. Classes also promote leadership, confidence, and camaraderie with teammates.

Typical Gym Features & Amenities

Modern BJJ gyms design state-of-the-art facilities to cultivate a high-performance athletic training environment:

Puzzle Mats

Thick, padded anti-injury floor mats (often 1-1.5 inch dense foam) cover floors wall-to-wall to safely teach takedowns and throws. Mats interlock like puzzles without unsafe cracks or gaps. Rental spaces in strip malls rarely invest in proper matting.

Strength & Conditioning

Most gyms offer functional fitness zones with tractor tires for flipping, battle ropes, kettlebells, climbing ropes, sled drags, plyo boxes and more to complement skill training with strength and cardio conditioning. Some also have full weights rooms, cage fighting gear, and heavy bags.

Pro Shops

For convenience, on-site pro shops sell gis, rash guards, shorts, mouthguard, and other essential BJJ gear so you can train right away without leaving the gym. Members usually enjoy discounts on all products. Some high-end gyms even offer custom sublimated gis exclusive to training at their location.

Locker Rooms

While less common at affordable neighborhood gyms, premium gyms in major cities and tourist locations will likely offer locker room amenities like showers, towel service, shampoo, etc. This allows training while traveling or during a lunch break at work.

Gear & Equipment Needed to Start

BJJ requires minimal gear to begin. Before your first class, obtain:

Gi (kimono): This heavy cotton judo-style uniform with a wrapped jacket and pants enables gripping to control and submit opponents. While optional at some gyms, most require it after a trial period. Prices range from $50 for a basic model up to $200+ for custom sublimated gis that won’t shrink or fray.

Groin Protection: BJJ culture expects everyone to wear an athletic supporter, compression shorts with a protective cup (for men), or pelvic protector (for women) during training sessions. This prevents painful accidental contact when grappling in close quarters.

Mouthguard: Strongly recommended to avoid dental damage, mouthguards (boil-and-bite or custom fitted) allow gnashing teeth without biting your tongue or cheeks. This also helps relax the jaw and neck muscles when grappling hard.

That covers the bare essentials! You can train in athletic clothing and sneakers at first. Eventually consider investing in rash guards to prevent gi-burn on arms, fight shorts with customizable belt loops, plus wrestling shoes for optimal grip and traction.

Rank Advancement Belt System

BJJ utilizes colored belt ranks to denote skill levels from beginner white belts up through black belt masters. Stripes mark progress between belt promotions.

  • White: Beginners have endless techniques and concepts yet to be discovered. Focus for 6-12 months on reaching a blue belt.
  • Blue: proof of understanding BJJ basics and applying moves in live rolls. Expect 2+ years at white before promotion.
  • Purple: Advanced level with fluid transitions between techniques. 4-7 years cumulative likely before achieving.
  • Brown: Expert-level execution of vast knowledge. Instructor potential at this mastery level.
  • Black: International master instructor. Highly refined over 8-15 years cumulative.

While a lifelong pursuit, dedicating consistent twice-weekly training can progress the average adult male from white to purple belt within 2-4 years. Youth students under age 16 progress even quicker based on heightened memory absorption capacity during developmental years.

Choose a Gym Matching Your Goals

All BJJ gyms share similarities but subtle differences in coaching style, sparring intensity, costs, schedule options, kids programs, etc mean finding the right match enhances enjoyment and progress. Analyze your underlying motivation to train – is it:

  • Self-defense skill? Seek a self-defense-focused MMA gym training with extensive takedowns along with striking and weapons techniques. More intense sparring too.
  • Fitness and fun? A neighborhood gym with a relaxed culture may suit you best. Lower monthly fees in exchange for a limited class schedule and amenities.
  • Compete at tournaments? Competitor-focused gyms drill tournament legal moves for hours each day preparing members to win gold medals around the region.
  • Supplement to existing martial arts? Look for a gym welcoming students cross-training BJJ to expand their abilities in judo, karate, wrestling, etc. Some offer discounts to members of affiliate dojos.

Visiting trial classes exposes you to the overall culture before committing long-term. An ideal gym aligns with personal goals while also fostering a tight-knit community feeling like an extended family who motivates you to keep improving every class. That lifelong membership keeps you progressing as a well-rounded martial artist for decades to come.

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